Organisational behaviour
Paper details:
Q1 – Examine the corporate and cultural differences the UK managers may encounter when working in an overseas branch in a country of your choice and explain how the managers might address these differences. You are required to state the country you have chosen at the start of your answer. (Examine means; to observe carefully and critically inspect) Q2 – Evaluate the qualities that the branch manager will need in order to be effective in their role Both questions are related and need to be focussed on content/theory/examples from the financial services industry. Use a report style For Q1 (2500 words – 30 marks) 1. Intro 2. Developing the case study 3. Issues arising 4. Developing theoretical support and referencing 5 Brief summary / conclusion For Q2 (1500 words – 20 marks) 1. Brief Introduction to management / leadership 2. Range of different theoretical concepts 3. Brief Summary / Conclusion